Hello World!

Ria is a year old now. While the best thing to do would have been to start much sooner, around when she was born, I figured “better late than never”. So this is where I intend to save my memories of stuff she does as she grows, so that we can look back later and go through the notes of our fascinating journey as parents. It has been a magical journey, starting with knowing that we are going to have a baby, getting those sneak peeks at the sonography tests, feeling her kicks, waiting to finally hold her. Then came THE day, THE moment when Dr. Anita Soni announced in the OT “Its a girl! And she looks exactly like Imtiaz”. It was overwhelming. Then I touched her for the first time, as her doctor brought her close to my cheek and then my lips. I kissed her on her face. She was so tiny, so pretty. From then to her first birthday now, time just flew by. There’s so much that has happened. She has grown up from the tiny baby who couldn’t even turn sides to an active toddler who keeps everyone on their toes.