She understands books …

Today evening we were at home and our friend Yogesh and his two-and-half year old son Vardhan were visiting. We were trying to distract Vardhan as he was asking for the mobile phones to play with. Imtiaz asked him “Do you want to read some books?” And guess what … Ria, who was sitting there on Imtiaz’s lap, immediately pointed to the bookshelf, that too to the area where her books are kept! Just like that, I mean no one had pointed to the books or even looked in that direction while the books were mentioned. She just understood the sound of the word! Both of us exclaimed together “She understands books!!!” It was one big moment. Our little baby knows her books now. I feel so proud of her. Imtiaz then took her to the bookshelf, and she happily started picking up her books to share with Vardhan.

3 Replies to “She understands books …”

  1. Hey Sonali

    Just stumbled on this site from Imtiaz’s FB page. First time I am seeing a Ria page by you, or I have already seen too many write-ups by Imtiaz! Or does this site have I too? In any case – it’s sweeet – keep it going. I like how honest and open hearted it is without any excessive literary trappings. Allows the reader to connect with the plain joy of all things Ria:)

  2. Hey Priyanka,

    Thanks for the nice note you left. It was nice hearing from you 🙂
    Well yes, I don’t usually write much non-technical stuff, and rarely post stuff online, but for once I felt that Ria’s growing up was too precious to not record somewhere. So I hope to keep doing this as I watch my little bundle of joy grow up into a big girl.
    Keep in touch.

  3. Hey didi,when did you learn to write good non technical stuff…this was seriously good. Well, with the kind of lineage she possesses, Ria has got to dig into books. Maybe,she started a bit…ok a lot early. May this be the sign of things to come and may almighty always keep her happy and in good health.

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