Baby sitting

This year started with two of Rias’ friends with her in her room till almost midnight and now everyday we have at least two friends of Ria (sometimes upto 5) dropping in and jamming in her room everyday till around 8PM (her bedtime on a school night)!

From January 2012

The positive fallout is that now every evening I go down at 6PM, jog, cycle, walk, kick a football and play with the kids for about an hour…. older kids (8years and above ones) join me in the jogs and cycle races then we have a game of football (we improvize). As a result I’ve lost 8Lb in the last month in spite of not going to the gym! Ria and her friends cycle as well and then we run around kick a ball or just do cartwheels on the grass…. once we’re done playing downstairs as in the kids are suitably tired we come back upstairs and after a quick shower for Ria settle down for a light dinner (my roast chicken piece with veggies and for the kids different stuff everyday… pan cakes, idli, parathas, pasta, spaghetti… whatever is in demand for that evening)…. dinner done they settle down with either coloring books or Peppa Pig. Finally around 8PM the moms come over and a fight ensues as in kids wanting to hang back at Rias room and moms not too interested in listening to them…. once the kids are gone Ria cribs for a bit then settles in with her mom to sleep…. they discuss stuff at school and stuff that needs to happen for Ira (our second kid is on the way this April and Ria is mighty excited about it…. tentatively we’ve picked the name Ira assuming it would be second time lucky for us and we would have a baby girl again…. all fingers and toes crossed till mid-April)…..

I guess Ria needs friends a lot and in a way Ira would be a great companion for her while she would be the perfect big sister…. she’s already protective about the new baby and has big plans. This is the year of the overhaul…. everything in our lives is changing am pretty sure things are getting better and with more kids to interact with it can only mean one thing…. “Happy Days are here to stay!”


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